Gustav Edman is a passionate storyteller and designer of custom-made participatory processes. For the last ten years, Gustav has worked with creating tools for collaboration – scenarios, card games, short films, and podcasts. His assignments have stretched from merely interactive installations at museums to large dynamic group-based development processes within a large Swedish retailer.
Gustav has over the last years had a long-term commitment working for the Association for Swedish Municipalities and Regions (SALAR) implementing service design as a tool for public sector development. Within this assignment, Gustav has worked with all types of Swedish municipalities. Spanning from remote scarily populated rural once struggling with decreasing population to booming towns with rapid urbanization. Within the work, he has encountered many of the challenges you face when introducing innovation as a concept within the public sector.
But with a background as a journalist, chief of communication officer at the think tank for the civil society “”the third sector”” and serving as a member of a municipal council for eight years he has an embodied the understanding of the concepts of accountability and transparency at the same time as he can see the need of reinvention of the public sector.