Mona Caroline Chammas

Mona Caroline Chammas

  • 2021
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival

Mona Caroline Chammas is an international attorney and founder of the disruptive consulting firm GOVERN&LAW. With her team, she brings “Integrity, Good Governance and Better Law” to the service of companies and governments, in Europe, the Americas, Africa and Asia.

Mona is a pioneer advisor in Compliance & Ethics by Design. She helps ecosystems digitize with ESG intelligence, start-ups go global, boards of directors and investors rethink their strategy and risks, and innovators grasp data governance and protect their value. The G20 and OECD have appointed Mona as an expert in innovation governance.

To help clients walk the talk, GOVERN&LAW just launched the Whistleblowing Center to offer a safe channel to hear and address ethical dilemmas in the public and private sectors.

In academia, Mona is the co-founder of La Sorbonne Compliance & Business Ethics program, of the EDHEC Masterclass in Digital Human Rights, and a regular lecturer around the world on innovation and regulation.

Prior to being a lawyer-entrepreneur, Mona shared her career in the private and public sectors: as Legal expert to the O.E.C.D. (Paris), Business Integrity Director of Unilever Europe (London), and attorney with international law firms Cleary Gottlieb (Brussels) and Wachtell Lipton (New York). Mona is a registered attorney with the bar in Brussels and New York and a board member of the Altius Society in Oxford.