Joris Bouve

Joris Bouve

  • 2021
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival

Joris Bouve obtained two master degrees at the Ghent University: one in agricultural sciences and one in environmental sciences. Nowadays he works for the HR agency of the Flemish administration. There Joris is responsible for the implementation of hybrid working throughout the agencies and departments of the Government of Flanders administration. He recently developed several hybrid working masterclasses. He started his professional career as a research assistant at the Ghent University. After a one year job in the field of remote sensing, he started as an environmental inspector of the Government of Flanders administration. In 1999 his career took a turn when he became an HR-staff member. Later on he has built up lots of experience in the fields of HR-, organizational-, communication- and crisis management both in management functions as in advisory functions. He is also an experienced process facilitator.