Florian Keppeler

Florian Keppeler

  • 2021
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival

Dr. Florian Keppeler is Managing Director of Lokalprojekte gemeinnützige GmbH. He is also a postdoctoral researcher and lecturer at the Chair of Public Management & Public Policy of Prof. Dr. Ulf Papenfuß. He completed his dissertation entitled "Perspectives on an Integrated Steering of Human Resources of Public Administration and State-Owned Enterprises" in August 2021. Until 2016, he was a team leader in a Bavarian municipality, responsible for human resources management. Parallel to this position, he successfully completed a master's degree in "Politics, Administration, International Relations" at Zeppelin University in Friedrichshafen. Prior to this, he completed a dual course of study to become a "Diplom-Verwaltungswirt" at the University of Public Service and as a civil servant for the Free State of Bavaria.