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Africa Regional Coordinator, Urban Biodiversity Hub/ Co-Lead, NATURA Network Africa Regional Team for the Global Urban NBS Roadmap

Eric Hubbard

  • 2024
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival
  • 2023
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival

Eric Hubbard serves as the Africa Regional Focal Point at the Urban Biodiversity Hub and co-leads the NATURA Network Africa Regional Team for the Global NBS Roadmap. He is based in Sierra Leone and South Africa. Since 2019 Eric has served as Senior Advisor / Consultant to the Mayor of Freetown, Sierra Laeone and the Freetown City Council. This support included serving as Technical Advisor for the design and implementation of the #FreetownTheTreeTown campaign to plant, grow and digitally track 1 million urban trees in the city through a community tree growing model co-designed to address urban climate risk and biodiversity loss, create green jobs, as well as, to structure a process to scale the #TreeTown model other cities in Africa to adopt an ecosystem-based approach to equitable and sustainable locally-led adaptation tied to valuing green and blue natural capital for long-term financing of adaptation through the carbon market.