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President, Creative Bureaucracy Festival

Charles Landry

  • 2024
  • Digital Kick-Off Day
  • 2024
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival
  • 2023
  • Digital Kick-Off Day
  • 2023
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival
  • 2022
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival
  • 2021
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival
  • 2022
  • Digital Kick-Off Day

Charles Landry works with cities around the world to help them make the most of their potential and facilitates complex urban change projects. His aim is to connect the triad culture, creativity and city making. He is co-founder of the Creative Bureaucracy Festival. He twice chaired the European Capital of Innovation Award as well as the EU Research & Innovation Commission project ‘The human-centred city: Opportunities for citizens through research and innovation’. He has published extensively – most recently ‘The Civic City in a Nomadic World’, ‘The Creative Bureaucracy’ (with Margie Caust), ‘An Advanced Introduction to the Creative City’, ‘Psychology & the City’ (with Chris Murray) and ‘The Digitized City’. You can download these books as PDF files via Charles’ website: