Alex Roberts

Alex Roberts

  • 2020
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival

Alex Roberts is an Innovation Specialist and deputy head of OPSI. Alex leads the work on the Observatory’s studies of country public sector innovation systems, as well as contributing to the work on OPSI’s innovation facets model and on the innovation lifecycle. Alex has long had a passion for innovation and how government can do things differently (and hopefully better). Before joining the Observatory, Alex worked in the Australian Public Service where he was one of the lead authors of the report Empowering Change: Fostering Innovation in the Australian Public Service (2010), supported the APS 200 project on public sector innovation which led to the ‘APS Innovation Action Plan’ (2011), and helped set-up, run and wind-down DesignGov, an experimental public sector innovation lab (2012-2013). Outside of work, Alex is interested in the Singularity, science fiction, trashy TV shows, and trundling about.