Milena Ivkovic

Milena Ivkovic

  • 2022
  • Creative Bureaucracy Festival

Milena Ivković is a Dutch-Serbian public space designer and civic participation innovator. She leads the Association Placemaking Western Balkans - based in Belgrade, Serbia - a non-profit organization focused on creating better public spaces in the cities across the Balkans and SEE region through placemaking. She is currently the Board Member of Placemaking Europe. Next to leading the Placemaking Balkans movement, Milena is the creative director of BLOK 74 - Office for Urban Simulations and Urban Communications, based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. BLOK 74 is a digital design collective with expertise in serious games and gamified simulations for civic participation and scientific communication. Prior to starting the Placemaking Western Balkans, Milena served as a Board Member of ISOCARP, International Society of City and Regional Planners. She is a regular speaker at international events on the topics examining the links between digital futures, civic engagement, and inclusive public space design.