Kher Albaz

Kher Albaz

  • 2022
  • Digital Kick-Off Day

Kher Albaz is a highly trained and experienced social worker with extensive experience managing large social service and civil society organizations and developing policy plans in social development systems, particularly in the Arab Bedouin communities of Israel's Negev, where he is an established leader. Nationally, he has diverse experience in both the public and NGO sectors, serving as a board member of many prominent organizations, as well as being an appointed member of several governmental policy development committees. He specializes in cross-cultural mediation and group facilitation, focusing on culturally sensitive issues, with attention to Jewish-Arab partnerships. As the co-executive director of AJEEC-NISPED (Arab-Jewish Center for Equality, Empowerment and Cooperation – Negev Institute for Strategies of Peace and Development), his work focuses on creating a world where everyone is accepted and can live in dignity. Board member of several national and local organizations, including the Abraham Fund Initiative, Igul Le'Tova (Circle of Good), Kochavei HaMidbar (Desert Stars), Midot, Shutafut-Sharakah, and Social Workers for Peace.