Alexa Waud

Alexa Waud

  • 2022
  • Digital Kick-Off Day

Alexa is a researcher and organiser based in London with a background in geography, political science, and environmental health. She previously worked as a public sector consultant advising government and third sector leaders on how to best engage with the public to ensure that citizens have a say in the decisions that affect their lives. She is a skilled facilitator and has delivered projects with a wide-range of deliberative methodologies. Alexa works at the intersection between environmental governance and social justice in cities. She is currently a contributing author on the United Nations Environment Programme’s ‘Global Environmental Outlook for Cities’ report. She has also worked as a research assistant in the Environmental Governance Lab, University of Toronto, and at the Blavatnik School of Government, University of Oxford. Outside of Demsoc, as Director of Fuel Poverty Action, she fights for energy and housing systems that are good for people and the planet.