The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (Agenda 2030) are a universal ambition but provide a rather abstract framework for implementation. The SDGs are meant to be implemented by member states within their national context. This gives governments a great deal of freedom to determine their own ambitions and use their own approaches when it comes to implementing the goals. But in order to implement the goals successfully, states need a public administration that has a detailed understanding of the SDGs, is able to translate abstract goals into concrete measures and can work across government departments.
On the concept of Teaching the Silos to Dance, see: Ingeborg Niestroy, and Louis Meuleman. 2016. “Teaching Silos to Dance: A Condition to Implement the SDGs” IISD SDG Knowledge Bub
Directly following Julia Rüsch will explore the discussed issues with interested participants in a workshop! Click here for further information.
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