What do we mean when we say mobility is a universal enabler for human development? We intend to look at the topic from a 360% perspective: we see mobility as providing spatial and social access to opportunities, allowing citizens to take part and advance their life in all senses regardless of social background, gender and race.
Mobility, we believe, is at the heart of a balance between the mantra of ‘People & Planet & Prosperity’ where the whole society and not only the few have the power to develop and decide. This goes hand-in-hand with ideas on ‘inclusive urban development’, providing accessible learning and job opportunities, concepts around decentralization or ideas on democratic systems with commons driven approach to data.
This session is part of a 5-part series run by the BMW Foundation Herbert Quandt’s ‘RISE Cities’ programme. RISE Cities explores the leadership required to enable our urban environments to be more resilient, intelligent, sustainable and equitable (RISE)