What would it take to make our public institutions more diverse, better reflecting our societies? More equal, more feminist, more modern and approachable with policymaking approaches that listen to all views and act on them?
Party politics and higher public administration positions have long been occupied by older white men. While things are starting to change, there’s still a long way to go.
At just 29 years old, Djuna Bernard is not only an elected politician but co-lead of the Luxembourg Green Party, Déi Gréng, and vice president of the national parliament. In this talk she shares her experiences as a young female politician in a country where the national parliament is only 1/3 female and just 2 of 60 MPs are under 35. She explores both the need for deep change, and the multiple ways that embracing such young, female or non-conventional (or non-mainstream) views could transform our public institutions and society at large for the better.