The session hosted by the BMW Foundation RISE Cities program brings together an innovative bureaucrat from Bogotá and Helsinki to discuss ways to create system-level change that starts from real people and their real needs.
From the Public Innovation Lab of Bogotá (iBO), Angela Reyes is using human centered design to develop innovative digital mechanisms to collect personal information of women caregivers who attend Bogotá’s Care Blocks, aiming to have robust and good quality information that enables data-driven services and policies tailored to women’s needs. The Care Blocks project is a first master plan that takes caregivers and their needs for services, community, and development as a starting point for urban planning and digitalization. Care Blocks address the inequality of the care burden from a cultural and social perspective.
As Youth Director and Executive Director in Helsinki, Tommi Laitio has led multiple innovative programmes on everything from physical activity to integration of migrant youth, which all build on human-centered design and utilization of the city´s hundreds of thousands of touch points to people’s lives for systemic change. He has spent the last year researching ways cities can create large-scale changes through partnerships.